
How To Change Username Color On Discord

Discord is some cracking slice of software that is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. Especially gamers appreciate Discord and utilise information technology as their favorite means of communication.

While the software is not all that difficult to use, in that location is nevertheless a bit of a learning curve.

So, if y'all only recently discovered Discord, chances are that you lot are still struggling with some of the bones settings.

Ane of these settings is the colour of your proper name.

As yous know, the color of your name can be changed. But how so?

How can you change the color of your name/function in Discord?

To change the colour of your name/role, click on your server name (top left corner) and and then choose "Server settings." Then, head over to "Roles." At present, select your role from the roles list. On the right side, you will run into the Part Name and below that yous have "Role Colour." Now, to alter the role color you lot tin can simply choose one of the predefined colors or click on "Custom Color" to cull whatever color your similar (you tin can also input a HEX Color Lawmaking there). Yous need special permissions to alter these settings!

You demand the right permissions to set the color

It needs to be said that not everybody tin merely change the color of his name.

Commonly, only admins can modify the colors of roles (names).

So, as a regular member of a server, you will most likely not have the permission to change your colour (=alter roles because different colors are awarded on a roles-basis).

Irresolute colors by ranking organization

On many Discord servers, the color of your name might modify over time, while you are leveling up.

To put it but: On many Discord servers, different roles have different colors and while yous level upwards, the colour of your name might modify.

Color is a question of bureaucracy

On Discord, every fellow member can have many different roles. And every bit we accept seen, every role can have a different color.

And then, if you have like 5 roles and each of these 5 roles has its own color, which color will your name have, so?!?

Well, your proper noun volition have the color of the highest role that you got.

The highest part?

Yes. When you click on the server name in the top left of the screen, then go to "Server settings" and and then switch to "Roles", you will see the Roles list.

Now, this list is hierarchical. That means that on top of the listing, y'all volition see the highest role. All roles below that function volition inherit the color and all the attributes (unless defined differently) from that top part.

So, if the elevation role's color is set to yellow and let's say some other role beneath that has the color greenish, your proper name will take the color xanthous, supposed that you lot accept been assigned both of these roles.

Still, information technology is possible to adjust the settings, so that a lower role in the hierarchy can still requite yous the name color rather than having the name color from the role that is college in the hierarchy.

To adjust that, in the same panel ("Server settings" and then "Roles"), you lot would need to make sure that the option "Display role members separately from online members" is turned off for the role that y'all would similar to ignore (only in terms of role color!).

Discord: Laurels name/role colors through Patreon

If you are the administrator of the server, you lot can as well award colors through Patreon.

You could, for instance, reserve colored names for Patrons only.

That means that only people who would subscribe through Patreon could go a colored rank on your Discord.

In order to become that done, you would need to connect Patreon with Discord.

Discord Colored names/roles: FAQ

As a regular member of a Discord server, can I manually adjust the color of my proper noun?

As a regular member without special permissions, yous can't exercise that. You would demand to have admin permissions to change the name colour. The name color depends on your role, as colors are set past role. If there is a leveling mechanism set up in place, it tin very well exist that y'all will become another name color one time you level upward (= once you lot will be awarded another, higher role).

Is in that location no bot that can manage colors in Discord?

In fact, there is a bot that can manage coloring of names/roles in Discord. It is called Color-Chan. If y'all install this bot, y'all volition have much more flexibility in coloring names/roles in Discord. You lot tin find that bot hither.

If I have several roles (each with its ain color), which colour will my name get?

If you do accept several roles, you will become the colour of the highest part. The roles & colors are hierarchical. And then, lower roles volition inherit the attributes (such equally the color) from higher roles. Yous can change the bureaucracy of the roles with a simple elevate & drop in the roles list ("Server settings" and then caput over to "Roles"). There, the first part in the list is the highest role and the last role in the listing represents the everyman function. To change the hierarchy, simply drag & driblet the role to a different position in that listing.


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