
Which Of The Following Events Most Directly Leads To The Change In Pump Conformation Shown Above?

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Focus Effigy 3.1: Primary Active Transport: The Na+-K+ Pump Primary active transport is the process. ane answer below »

Focus Figure 3.1: Principal Active Transport: The Na+-Grand+ Pump Primary active transport is the process in which solutes are moved across cell membranes against electrochemical gradients using energy supplied directly by ATP. The activity of the Na+−K+ pump is an of import example of master agile send. Read through Focus Figure 3.1, and then consummate the activities and questions below.

Description: 3 cytoplasmic Na+ bind to the pump protein (which is in the cell membrane), which also has a bound ATP. Na+ binding promotes hydrolysis of the ATP. The energy is used to phosphorylate the pump, which causes it to change shape, expelling the Na+ into the extracellular fluid. 2 extracellular K+ bind to the pump. K+ binding triggers release of the phosphate, and the dephosphorylated pump resumes its original shape. The pump protein then binds ATP, and releases K+ to the cytoplasm. The cycle then repeats.Role A - Initial EventsDescription: 3 cytoplasmic Na+ bind to the pump protein (which is in the cell membrane), which also has a bound ATP. Na+ binding promotes hydrolysis of the ATP. The energy is used to phosphorylate the pump, which causes it to change shape, expelling the Na+ into the extracellular fluid. Focus your attention on pace one of the Focus Figure. Several statements regarding this step are provided beneath. For each argument, bespeak whether it is true or false for THIS Particular Stride in the pump cycle. Do this by dragging each argument to either the True bin or the False bin below. Hints Hint 1. ATP and phosphorylation(click to open)

Three cytoplasmic Na+ bind to the pump.

ATP is bound to the pump.

Ii extracellular Na+ bind to the pump.

The pump is in a phosphorylated state.

2 cytoplasmic K+ bind to the pump.

Three Na+ are released from the pump to the cytoplasm.



Role B - Phosphorylation Changes Pump Conformation Focus your attention on steps two and three of the Focus Figure.
Description: 3 cytoplasmic Na+ bind to the pump protein (which is in the cell membrane), which also has a bound ATP. Na+ binding promotes hydrolysis of the ATP. The energy is used to phosphorylate the pump, which causes it to change shape, expelling the Na+ into the extracellular fluid.

Arrange the events beneath in the order they occur. Overlap any events that occur simultaneously.

Pump changes conformation.

Na+ is released into extracellular fluid.

Pump is phosphorylated.

ADP is released from pump.

ATP is hydrolyzed.

Last event

First event

The correct ranking cannot be determined.


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