
In The Process Of Persuading Your Audience, Which Of The Following Is Most Difficult To Change?

Defining a Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speeches aim to convince the audition to believe a certain view.

Learning Objectives

Place the qualities of a persuasive speech

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Persuasive speeches can come in many forms, such equally sales pitches, debates, and legal proceedings.
  • Persuasive speeches may utilize the iii modes of persuasion: ethos, pathos and logos.
  • Ethos is the most important entreatment in a persuasive speech.
  • Factors such as body language, the willingness of the audition, and the environment in which the spoken language is given, all touch the success of a persuasive speech.
  • Audience Analysis is important in a persuasive speech, every bit the audience will be convinced for their own reasons, not for the speaker'due south reasons.

Key Terms

  • persuasion: the process aimed at irresolute a person's (or a group's) mental attitude or behavior
  • Logos: logical appeal to the audition; does the speaker's argument make sense?
  • desolation: emotional appeal to the audience
  • Audition Analysis: the speaker's agreement of the audience'due south noesis, personal experience, and proximity to a topic
  • ethos: credibility of the speaker, assigned to them by the audience


A persuasive speech is a specific blazon of speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audition to accept his or her point of view. The speech is arranged in such a mode as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or part of the expressed view. Though the overarching goal of a persuasive speech is to convince the audience to take a perspective, not all audiences can be convinced by a single speech and not all perspectives can persuade the audition. The success of a persuasive speech communication is frequently measured by the audience's willingness to consider the speaker'due south argument.


Persuasive Speech: President Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter meet at the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia to debate domestic policy.

The Sales Pitch

An instance of a persuasive speech is a sales pitch. During a sales pitch, the speaker is trying to convince the audience to buy his or her production or service. If the salesperson is successful, the audience (the person being sold to) will choose to purchase the production or service.

However, salespeople sympathize that only because someone does not make a purchase after the first sales pitch does not mean the pitch failed. Persuasion is often a process. People may need multiple persuasive pitches and a lot of outside data earlier they are ready to accept a new view.

Components of a Persuasive Spoken language

While ethos is an essential function of a persuasive speech communication, desolation and logos are usually combined to form the best possible statement.

While a speaker can attempt to establish ethos, or brownie, with an audition, it is ultimately assigned to them based on the audience's perception. If the audience does not perceive the speaker equally a credible source on the topic almost which they are speaking, they will ultimately have a hard time because the speaker's argument.

The logos in a speech, or logical appeals, are arguments that present a set up of information and testify why a decision must rationally be truthful. For example, arguments heard in court are logical arguments.

Pathos, emotional appeals, are appeals that seek to make the audience feel a certain way so that they will have a determination. Negative political ads, for example, often incorporate emotional appeals past juxtaposing an opponent with a negative emotion such as fear.

How to Succeed

Using an attending grabbing device is a powerful way to brainstorm a persuasive speech. If you can brand your audience laugh, recall near a personal experience, or tell an anecdote that produces emotion, they are more than likely to heed to the content of your argument. Additionally, keeping a spoken language inside 6-8 minutes makes the audition less likely to let their mind wander away from what you lot are maxim.

The effectiveness of a persuasive oral communication also depends on factors across the words of the speech. The willingness of the audience to have a new view, the body language of the speaker, and the surroundings in which the speech is given all can bear on the success of a persuasive spoken communication.

A successful speaker volition do their all-time to establish stiff ethos with their audience, and combine pathos and logos to form the all-time possible argument. Audience analysis is an important gene when giving a persuasive speech. For example, if a speaker is trying to convince the audience non to tell their children virtually Santa Claus, using arguments that relate and resonate with them, such as encouraging them to remember how they felt when they discovered he wasn't real, will be more successful than if the speaker shared a negative personal feel of their own.

The Goals of a Persuasive Voice communication: Convincing, Actuation, and Stimulation

Persuasive speeches tin can be designed to convince, incite action, or enhance belief past the audition.

Learning Objectives

Define the 3 goals of a persuasive speech communication

Central Takeaways

Central Points

  • Convincing speeches aim to get the audience to change their heed to accept the view put forth in the spoken language.
  • Actuation speeches seek to incite a certain action in the audience.
  • Stimulation speeches are designed to get an audition to believe more enthusiastically in a view.

Key Terms

  • actuate: To incite to action; to motivate.
  • stimulation: An activity causing excitement or pleasure.
  • convince: To brand someone believe, or feel sure about something, particularly past using logic, statement or evidence.

The overall goal of a persuasive spoken language is for the audience to accept your viewpoint as the speaker. All the same, this is not a nuanced enough definition to capture the actual goals of different persuasive speeches. Persuasive speeches can exist designed to convince, actuate, and/or stimulate the audience.


A convincing speech is designed to cause the audience to internalize and believe a viewpoint that they did not previously hold. In a sense, a convincing statement changes the audition's mind. For example, suppose you are giving a persuasive speech claiming that Coke is better than Pepsi. Your goal is not just for the audience to hear that you enjoy Coke more, just for Pepsi lovers to modify their minds.

A man and woman standing in front of signs that say "Vote."

Actuation: Political candidates use actuation speeches and so that their supporters volition cast their votes.


An actuation speech has a slightly different goal. An actuation speech is designed to cause the audience to do something, to take some action. This type of oral communication is particularly useful if the audition already shares some or all of your view. For example, at the end of presidential campaigns, candidates brainstorm to focus on convincing their supporters to really vote. They are seeking to actuate the activity of voting through their speeches.


Persuasive speeches tin as well be used to enhance how fervently the audition believes in an thought. In this example, the speaker understands that the audience already believes in the viewpoint, but non to the degree that he or she would like. As a effect, the speaker tries to stimulate the audience, making them more enthusiastic about the view. For example, religious services ofttimes utilize stimulation. They are not trying to convince those of another religion to switch religions necessarily; at that place is an understanding that the congregation already accepts function or all of the religion. Instead, they are trying to enhance the caste of conventionalities.

Persuasive vs. Informative Speaking

Informative and persuasive speeches differ in what they want the audience to walk away with: facts or an stance.

Learning Objectives

Differentiate between informative and persuasive speeches

Cardinal Takeaways

Cardinal Points

  • Informative speeches (or informational speeches) seek to provide facts, statistics, or full general evidence. They are primarily concerned with the transmission of knowledge to the audience.
  • Persuasive speeches are designed to convince the audience that a certain viewpoint is correct. In doing so, the speaker may utilize information.
  • Informative and persuasive speeches are exemplified past bookish lectures and sales pitches, respectively.

Key Terms

  • informative: Providing knowledge, especially useful or interesting data.

Informative (or informational) and persuasive speaking are related, but distinct, types of speeches. The deviation between the two lies in the speaker'southward end goal and what the speaker wants the audition to go out with.

Informative speeches are probably the near prevalent variety of voice communication. The goal is ever to supply data and facts to the audition. This data can come in the form of statistics, facts, or other forms of prove. Informational speeches practise not tell people what to exercise with the information; their goal is for the audience to have and understand the data. Academic lectures are often advisory speeches, because the professor is attempting to present facts so the students can understand them.


Informative Speeches: Journalists, like Walter Cronkite, generally use informative speeches to inform their viewers almost news events.

Advisory speeches may have a trend to become overdrawn and boring. Their goal is not to excite the audience members, but rather to provide them with knowledge they did non have before the spoken communication.

Like advisory speeches, persuasive speeches utilise data. However, persuasive speeches are designed for the audience to not only hear and understand the data, but to use it to be convinced of a viewpoint. The end goal of a persuasive oral communication is not for the audition to take information, just rather for them to take a certain view. Persuasive speeches may use some of the same techniques as informational speeches, merely can also use emotions to convince the audition. A sales pitch is one example of a persuasive spoken communication.

A common cry confronting certain persuasive speeches is that they rely too much on emotion and not enough on facts. A persuasive speech that succeeds in convincing the audience to take a view just is based on faulty or misleading information is unethical.

The Psychology of Persuasion

Each private is persuaded by unlike things over different time-periods, and so to be effective each pitch must be customized.

Learning Objectives

Explain the two psychological theories of persuasion

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Each person is unique, so there is no unmarried psychological key to persuasion.
  • Cialdini proposed six psychological persuasive techniques: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, dominance, liking, and scarcity.
  • The Relationship Based Persuasion technique has four steps: survey the state of affairs, confront the 5 barriers to a successful influence encounter, make the pitch, and secure the commitments.

Key Terms

  • reciprocity: the responses of individuals to the actions of others
  • social proof: People tend to do things that they see others are doing.

There is no single cardinal to a successful persuasive speech. Some people take longer than others to be persuaded, and some answer to different persuasion techniques. Therefore, persuasive speakers should be cognizant of audience characteristics to customize the pitch.

An illustration from Jane Austen's novel "Persuasion." novel by Jane Austen. It shows Sir Walter Elliot talking to Mr. Shepherd.

Persuasion: A persuasive spoken communication is given with the goal of influencing how the audience thinks about a certain topic.

The psychology of persuasion is best exemplified by two theories that try to explain how people are influenced.

Robert Cialdini, in his book on persuasion, divers six "weapons of influence:"

  1. Reciprocity: People tend to return a favor. In Cialdini'due south conferences, he oft uses the case of Ethiopia providing thousands of dollars in humanitarian aid to Mexico but after the 1985 earthquake, despite Ethiopia suffering from a crippling dearth and civil war at the time. Federal democratic republic of ethiopia had been reciprocating for the diplomatic support United mexican states provided when Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1937.
  2. Commitment and Consistency: Once people commit to what they call back is right, they are more likely to honor that delivery even if the original motivation is subsequently removed. For example, in motorcar sales, suddenly raising the price at the last moment works considering buyers have already decided to buy.
  3. Social Proof: People will do things they run into other people are doing. In one experiment, if 1 or more person looked up into the sky, bystanders would then await upward to see what they could encounter. This experiment was aborted, as then many people looked up that they stopped traffic.
  4. Authority: People volition tend to obey authority figures, fifty-fifty if they are asked to perform objectionable acts. Cialdini cites incidents like the Milgram experiments in the early 1960s and the My Lai massacre in 1968.
  5. Liking: People are easily persuaded by other people whom they similar. Cialdini cites the marketing of Tupperware, wherein people were more probable to buy from others they liked. Some of the biases favoring more than attractive people are discussed, only generally more than aesthetically pleasing people tend to use this influence over others.
  6. Scarcity: Perceived scarcity will generate demand. For example, saying that offers are available for a "limited time only" encourages sales.

The second theory is chosen Human relationship Based Persuasion. It was developed past Richard Beat out and Mario Moussa. The overall theory is that persuasion is the art of winning over others. Their 4 step approach is:

  1. Survey your state of affairs: This step includes an assay of the persuader'southward situation, goals and challenges.
  2. Face up the five barriers: Five obstacles pose the greatest risks to a successful influence encounter – relationships, credibility, advice mismatches, belief systems, and interest and needs.
  3. Make your pitch: People need a solid reason to justify a determination, yet at the same fourth dimension many decisions are made on basis of intuition. This step too deals with presentation skills.
  4. Secure your commitments: In social club to safeguard the longtime success of a persuasive decision, it is vital to deal with politics at both the individual and organizational level.

The Ideals of Persuasion

Persuasion is unethical if it is for personal proceeds at the expense of others, or for personal gain without the knowledge of the audition.

Learning Objectives

Discuss the qualities that assure that persuasion is ethical

Key Takeaways

Primal Points

  • Methods such as torture, coercion, and brainwashing are always unethical.
  • Ethical persuasion has iii components: the exploration of the other person's viewpoint, the explanation of your viewpoint, and the creation of resolutions.
  • Tests such as the TARES test and the Fitzpatrick & Gauthier examination are used to determine if a persuasion attempt is ethical.

Key Terms

  • coercion: Use of physical or moral forcefulness to compel a person to do something, or to abstain from doing something, thereby depriving that person of the exercise of gratis will.

Ethics of Persuasion

Not all persuasion is upstanding. Persuasion is widely considered unethical if it is for the purpose of personal gain at the expense of others, or for personal gain without the noesis of the audience. Furthermore, some methods of persuasion are wholly written off as unethical. For instance, coercion, brainwashing, and torture are never considered ethical.


Understanding Ethics: Al Capone, an American gangster in the early 20th century, used coercion as a persuasive technique, which isn't ethical.

Barring any of the persuasive methods that are easily distinguished every bit unethical (such as torture), the line betwixt ethical and unethical is less conspicuously demarcated. Upstanding persuasion has a series of common characteristics that are missing in unethical persuasion. Upstanding persuasion seeks to achieve the post-obit three goals:

  1. Explore the other person's viewpoint
  2. Explicate your viewpoint
  3. Create resolutions

Notably, this approach involves input from the audition and an honest explanation of your viewpoint. If you lot have questions nigh the ideals of a persuasive attempt, there are a number of tests that tin be done.


Sherry Baker and David Martinson proposed a five-role TARES test to assistance guide the PR practitioner to ascertain upstanding persuasion. An ethical persuasive speech must have all of the following components:

  1. Truthfulness of the message
  2. Authenticity of the persuader
  3. Respect for the audience
  4. Disinterestedness of the persuasive appeal

Fitzpatrick & Gauthier

Fitzpatrick and Gauthier adult a series of questions that must be honestly answered to determine how upstanding a pitch is:

  1. For what purpose is persuasion beingness employed?
  2. Toward what choices and with what consequences for individual lives is persuasion existence used?
  3. Does the persuasion in this example contribute to or interfere with the decision-making procedure for its target audience?


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